
I know it has been discussed many times on the forum or somewhere else..

I have made an extension that does this, but mainly the codes are hacks to the symphony core.

i have got 2 ways of implementing the rules, 1. by operator syntax, a bit complex, like [groupid]>20 and [id==21] isallowed=false, it works on page based and frontend only. the codes here are almost all hacks. 2. by article based/entry based. when you are creating a section, you can pick a “acl” event. and when you create an entry for it, you pick the groups that allowed/not allowed to see the entry. it works on entry based. the codes here are extensions including the fields and the event.

what i have got so far is i have the acl element written in the debug mode.

<data><events><acl-info allowed="true"/>

so in the xslt i have

<xsl:template match="/data/">
<xsl:if test="/data/events/acl-info/@allowed = 'true'">

this will print the value inside the element, but what i am trying to do is to redirect the user to somewhere else, such as 403 forbidden or a login page.

how do i do this? maybe xslt redirection?

edit: i have a line in the event __trigger that will throw a 403 error when the ACL returning false. but how i do this in xsl? or this is enough?

If your event is throwing an Exception, you shouldn’t need to do anything in the XSL.

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