

I am new to symphony and would like to embed video/audio files into the web page. The web site needs to be supported across different browsers and devices like iphone/ipad. The vimeo/you tube url embed is not the one I have been looking for.

What are the various options available to embed video/audio file in symphony?

I could find the option of using html5 xslt master sheet to embed files. But in browsers where html5 is not supported, how could this problem be resolved?

Is there any extension available for including the jquery plugin into the symphony cms? I would like to use Jquery Media Element. (ref - )

@Girija - Would you mind posting your XML?

For video via YouTube or Vimeo, the Video Embed Utility should work for you. Since the utility is using the latest YouTube and Vimeo players, it works with iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad.



I am in phase of finalizing an option and haven't started to build as such. I have been looking out for options available.


I’m not sure how much you know about symphony/jquery so sorry if some of this is really obvious.

It’s really easy to get jquery (and plugins) working with Symphony but there isn’t an extension to do this as it isn’t really necessary.

The easiest way is to simply include a link to JQuery (either the local version Symphony has installed or a hosted version like Google or Microsoft) in your master stylesheet either inside <head></head> or in right before the </body> tag.

ie: <script type=”text/javascript” src=””> </script>`

Then if you wanted to use a plugin like Media Element you could create a folder in your Workspace folder called ‘scripts’, upload Media Element into it and link to it in your master stylesheet right after the link to the JQuery library above.

ie something like:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”{$workspace}/scripts/mediaelement-and-player.min.js”> </script>

Obviously right after this you would set the options you wanted for the plug in (as per its documentation).

If you don’t need JQuery or the plug-in on all pages then you just link to it on the pages you need.

Then (assuming your hosting lets you upload large files like videos and is fast enough to stream them) you would create a new section with what ever different fields you wanted… one of which would be a file upload.

Assuming you called this file upload field ‘Video File’ your XML would might look like:

    <some-other-stuff />
            <your-other-fields />
            <video-file size="10000 KB" path="/videos" type="video/mp4">
                <meta creation="2011-01-18T16:20:35+13:00" />

Using the plug-in is then a piece of cake - Where you would want the video to appear in your template file (something like my-sweet-video-page.xsl) you would simply put:

<video src="{$workspace}/videos/{/data/your-section/entry/video-file/filename}" width="320" height="240"></video>  

All this does is write a video tag (just like in normal HTML) and then in the link string points to the Workspace folder and then to the video file you uploaded.

The great thing about Symphony is that you have complete control over how things look and where they go (and what functionality is on each page).

Once you get your head around the templating language it’s really easy to put whatever you want into your pages using plug-ins like Media Element.

Hopefully that was helpful!


Thanks a lot. This is what I needed, and it worked :)

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