
Hey all.

Whenever I'm installing and using Symphony in the root directory, my domain name always shows up without the "www." part.

How would I go about to make Symphony include it? Using version 2.

Thanks in advance!

You've probably got a setting somewhere on the server to take it off. Are you on Dreamhost?

Edit the configuration file:


Change the line that reads:

  define('DOMAIN', '');

to include "www.":

 define('DOMAIN', '');


I tried doing that, but it seems whatever I do, I do not have permissions to edit, replace or remove the config.php. I can open it in a editor, just not do anything with it on my server.

I'm not so good on file permissions and ownership and I'm guessing that's where the problem lies; any hints of what I can do to get access to the file so I can change it?

PS. Nope, not using Dreamhost.

Try downloading it to your computer, deleting the file from your host, then upload the saved copy. Be sure to set its permissions to writable. That should solve the problem.

no, change your permissions on the server. If you can ssh in that is. cd to your directory something like this:

cd /var/www/host/

Then do this:

ls -l

That will list out your files and directories like so:

drwxrwxrwx   6 user  group   204 Jan  7 15:29 extensions
-rwxrwxrwx@  1 user  group   486 Jan  7 15:29 index.php

so "drwxrwxrwx" is a directory (d) and has permissions of 777 and "-rwxrwxrwx" is a file (-) and has permissions of 777. These files are local so this is okay.

So if on the server your files are like so after a ls -l:

 drwxrwxrwx   6  user     group   204 Jan  7 15:29 extensions
-rwxrwxrwx@  1 user     group   486 Jan  7 15:29 index.php
 drwx------   3 admin  admin   102 Jan 12 15:59 manifest
-rwxrwxrwx@  1 user     group  2956 Jan  8 14:16 send.php
 drwxrwxrwx   9  user     group   306 Jan 12 16:00 symphony
 drwxrwxrwx  10 user     group   340 Jan  8 13:07 workspace

Then do something like this.

sudo chmod -R 777 manifest/config.php

when your done change to 755 or something (more secure). You also may have to set user/group back to what the server uses like so:

sudo chown -R user:group *

see what the other files on your server are using and just use that replace user:group with just that, the user and the group.

Also, if you can tell us who your host is, I might be able to help you a little more. Hope this helps!

Thanks for your answers.

The problem seems to be that the owner of the files, or to be specific, the whole manifest directory is set to "nobody". This apparently means that I can't do jack with any of the files, inclduing deleting them. I don't know why it is like this, and it seems that everytime I install Symphony some random permissons and ownership rules are set. Could it have to do with Transmit, the client I'm using? And I guess I need to contact my host so that he can fix the files cause if it's set to "nobody" I guess I can't overrule it and set it to my username?

My host is a small, swedish host called Lopnet. Doubt you've had any experience with it or even heard of it :)

johandahlstrom, You can try to modify those files with PHP scripts. Or install (additionally) some simple PHP file manager. Probably easiest way would be to just call chown form PHP and change owner of files, but i doubt it's available (shared hosts, especially those with safe_mode, and other feature-cuts, usually have chown hidden), so use some PHP file editor/manager to edit/delete files.

If you don't have to use ssh if you don't have it or don't want to use it. You can do almost the same thing with your FTP client Transmit, simply do a command i on your directory you are having problems with (manifest) and change the permissions on it to something like 777 temporarily, then see if you can access it, otherwise you may have to use ssh to change the owner. Do you have ssh?

I don't even know what SSH is, so there goes to show how much I know :).

I know about the Transmit way of seeing the owner using command+i. However, the field for owner is not editable and always says "nobody". And whenever I try to change anything, I always get the message "Operation not permitted".

johandahlstrom, save this code as PHP file, upload to server, and run from browser:

    chmod('manifest/config.php', 0777);

Be sure to change permissions back after You modify config.php file:

    chmod('manifest/config.php', 0775);

You could also try to change owner instead (to be able to edit file at any time, and still prevent some attacks):

    chmod('manifest/config.php', 'FTPUSERNAME');

but it may be blocked, or Symphony may not be able to write to it after (depends on owner group permission ans server configuration).

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