

Is there some possible way to count hits to certain page with DS filtered by some {$url-foo} GET parameter?

What method do you suggest me to achieve that? I never tried to implement such sort of thing. Perhaps IP addresses are not enough to find the “uniqueness” of a hit, I guess.

The goal is to obtain some sort of “‘automagic’ popularity score” for the page entries and sort the listing of the entries on the page by the “score” (without the need to force visitors to click on some “stars” or whatever).

It’s quite general question. I suppose nothing like that is implemented for Symphony yet.

Thank you for all your ideas.

BTW: Is there the “star” thing implemented for Symphony (some extension, form example, anything else usable)?

Have you seen the Increment Number field? It needs the Number field extension installed first, but it’s basically a text input field that starts at zero and increments its value by 1 every time the field is shown through a data source.

@nickdunn: I haven’t seen it (perhaps I have already seen it but not that way). Thank you.

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