
Uploading pictures and documents works great, However when i try to upload large flv files after a few minutes the screen just refreshes and theres no file uploaded. Any one know how I can upload files 100 mb - 200 mb ?

First of all, your PHP settings are going to have to be changed.

It's also going to take a long time via the web to upload and process that. You're probably better off uploading with an ftp client.

You could look at implementing something like SWFUpload. Though Like davethegr8 says, it'll still take forever to process.

There are a few things you can try changing:

  • Increase the max_upload_size in manifest/config.php. By default it is 5MB (5242880 bytes)
  • Tweak PHP settings to allow large files, particularly upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and perhaps max_input_time

On a development machine I arbitrarily increased these to high values. So the top of my .htaccess looked like this:

phpvalue memorylimit 128M phpvalue uploadmaxfilesize 200M phpvalue postmaxsize 200M phpvalue maxinput_time 300s

I wouldn't recommend doing this straight away on a liver server as I'm not entirely sure of the security or performance implications this might have. But I allowed me to upload large files (albeit sub-100MB) without much hassle.

On a couple of projects we upload FLVs into File Upload fields, and have found it to be slow. We usually convert videos to FLV format on the webserver anyway (using ffmpeg), which allows me to use a hack to save these quickly:

  • Upload the video to convert to the server via FTP and convert with ffmpeg to produce the .flv
  • Create a textfile with one character inside and rename the same as the FLV (with .flv extension)
  • Upload this to the File Upload field
  • Move the real FLV to replace the tiny one via the command line

It's fiddly, but it works.

Other than that, I recommend FTP as well!

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