
Hey, i'm developing a calendar application for music lessons and want to build a feature that lets you create multiple consecutive lessons with one form. I tried to vary the $_POST attributes in a custom event and call the __trigger function several times to create multiple lesson entries.. but that seems to be the wrong approach.

Can somebody point me in the right direction please! I'd appreciate it a lot! Thanks!


joshev: you need to check 'Allow Multiple' in Blueprint -> Events -> YOUR_Event

and if form you need to use fields[0][fieldname] , fields[1][fieldname] instead of fields[fieldname]

I`m developing multiple events now and i have the same question.

How can i get Just created ids? I post data via Ajax, and i prefer any text or json or XML data in response, Please help, my brain is overclocked!

Doesn't the EventEx extension do this? I'm not sure when it was last updated and which versions it works on though.

Native symphony can post multiple entries from a front-end form to one section of content. That is what @hypnosis mentioned above that you can find in the event settings. However, the limitation is that you cannot post multiple entries to multiple sections. That is where the extension eventex is required.

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