
Here's the scenario: I need to send an e-mail with a section's data according to a date field in this section. I understand the big picture but I'm not sure how to put together the actual PHP script so that it has access to Symphony. What classes do I need to initiate so that I can use the appropriate ones to extract field data. I'm kind of stumped on how to create a workable object outside of an event etc.

This may be a stupid suggestion, because I'm not at all sure how this sort of thing really works, but it seems like Symphony might be set up to use autoloading (so a script would know where to look for a particular class because of where it is and how it's named)... so there may be an easy way to tap into that and then have access to the core classes and such.

But again, I may be (and probably am) way off...


Symphony might be set up to use autoloading

Sadly, I don't believe this is the case.

I don't fully understand your requirements, but would you be able to do everything in Symphony, i.e. set up a specific url to execute an event that sends an email and whatever DS pulling/saving/updating actions you need first. Then you get your cron to simply call that URL - the rest of the process is handled by Symphony.

Allen, that's the only solution I've been able to come up with, but I find it a bit convoluted and was hoping there was a more direct approach. Nonetheless, I wonder if there is a better way. As you know, I'm what you call a "learn as you go," kind of guy and some of the stuff is over my head.

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