
I have a section with a Tag List field. When I create a new entry, I can add as many tags as I like, and they are saved. But when I edit that entry, the tag list is cut off at around 75 characters, followed by an ellipses (...). If I edit other fields and press "Save Changes," the 75 characters and ellipses are also saved, resulting in the loss of my original data.

Am I misunderstanding this field or using it incorrectly?

Maybe a screen grab will help generate some interest.

In the database, the value is: "Backpacking, [redacted], Glacier National Park, [redacted], Montana, United States"

In the interface, the value is "Backpacking, [redacted], Glacier National Park, [redacted], Montana, Uni..."

And if I re-save the entry, the value in the database will be: "Backpacking, [redacted], Glacier National Park, [redacted], Montana, Uni..."

This seems wrong to me.


I have fixed the Tag List. Grab the latest code from the Integration branch on Git, or copy and paste the code found here

Let me know if that does the trick.

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