
This is a very small suggestion. As I'm looking through class.extensionmanager.php in the toolkit I noticed that both the error for the disable() method and the uninstall() method explain that the user 'Could not disable %s, ...' . Perhaps, given your class nomenclature "Could not " . _METHOD_ . " %s ... " might work and allow copy/paste work on the production end without confusion on the troubleshooting end.

Thanks for noticing. I have changed the message accordingly. The idea of using __METHOD__ is a good one, however the value is something like "ExtensionManager::disable" which doesn't lend itself well to use in the message string. __FUNCTION__ does the trick though.

You're right and your able to read minds. Glad you read the idea instead of the text. _FUNCTION_ definitely is a better route. Thanks for the feedback.

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