Email Template Manager
This is an open discussion with 390 replies, filed under Extensions.
~~~Sorry, found the error elsewhere …~~~
Too many extensions? :-)
No … d’oh-Error: picked the bundled »Send notification E-mail« instead of the ETM-event … m(
I can't seem to figure this one out. I have followed the tutorial and after some fiddling I got it to store responses in the section. But i was getting results in the debugger like
<filter name="etm-response-notification" status="failed">Can not send an email to nobody, please set a recipient.</filter>
I stripped down the event down to only the Response-Notification with just a static subject and email adres. I can't figure out what the correct way to write it really is, I think it is, just like that but it might also be I have only the responses datasource included.
No matter what I tried I kept getting things like:
<filter name="etm-response-notification" status="failed">Sender email address cannot be empty.</filter>
So while reading trough the comments I found the conversation with dotspion on page 15 and his findings on an error in email.sendmail.php. So I replaced the code in the symphony lib folder with his, which really doesn't sit well with me, but I now got
<message message-id="100">Entry created successfully.</message>
<filter name="etm-response-notification" status="passed" total="1" sent="1" />
But still no e-mail in my gmail, spam or anywhere else. :(
I have to mention that I couldn't get notification mail to work with the built in Save Message event which normally works like a charm. That's why I switched to this extension.
Could someone shed some light on this?
Contact page XSL output
Which version of Symphony is it?
I would suggest to test simple things first: Can you send a "password forgotten" email from the Symphony login page? If this doesn't work, double-check your email settings on the preferences page. For Gmail you must use "SSL" (not TLS) and port 465.
Once this works, try the built-in "Send Notification Email" filter. If this does not work, switching to the ETM extension doesn't make much sense. The main advantage of ETM is the templating possibilities!
Regarding the fix you mentioned, it just adds another fallback to ETM. But IMHO you shouldn't need this fallback if emailing works without ETM.
Hi so I got it working. I have to admit I was completely oblivious to the e-mail settings in the preferences, never changing it from Sendmail (default).
So after fiddling around with the password forgotten screen like you proposed, I got to a point where it kept responding on error with "Symphony has not been set up for emailing, 5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and 5.7.14 then try again. 5.7.14 Learn more at 5.7.14". So after googling the error I came to this stackoverflow page and tried the thing mentioned as "allow Access for less secure apps" with my google account. Boom. Password reset and template emails come in with no problem.
Is this going to be a problem? I mean for Symphony. I don't know but I felt I should share it with you guys.
Thanks Michael!
Obviously Google attempts to fight evil machines by adding, well, let's say "special functionality" to gmail. I understand those attempts, because I know that email is really a nightmare for providers.
We might add some hints to the ETM extension's README:
- Before implementing ETM, try to send password forgotten emails (which use core functionality). Only if this works, go on with ETM.
- Make sure that you have set up SMTP in Symphony's preferences.
- For Googlemail use "SSL" (not TLS) and port 465. Additionally you may have to "allow access for less secure apps"
Regarding the last point, I have no idea what Google expects. "Support current/latest security standards"… what exactly do they want to tell me? If anybody knows, I am willing to learn!
Might also change this line in in the first template
<xsl:value-of select="/data/respones/entry/body"/>
into responSes. Might confuse some people. People like me.
So now the extension works as it should, I would like to add the function of sending data gathered in the Storage extension to be included in the message, preferably in a neat html list.
I tried to add something available in the xml from within the e-mail template with no succes like
<xsl:value-of select="/data/website-owner/author/username"/>
and I imagine you might need to add it someway like this
<input name="fields[order]" type="hidden" value="???"/>
to get the data into a textfield in the Responses section.
Could anyone tell me how?
I never tried this, and it might be difficult. I would first test if the email logic is "aware" of the user session, i.e. if if the storage DS works for email templates. If you add the Storage datasource to the email template (you should use plain text for testing this), then try to do an on the corresponding datasource node, then add items to the Storage and place an order—does the Storage DS content show up in the emailed XML?
Conceptually it would be better—but also more work, getting hands dirty—to try and save the contents of the Storage to a Symphony section first.
Has anyone managed to log emails sent by ETM? I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere but could be wrong.
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I like vanilla :) thanks guys for elaborating further!