
Hello everyone!

In a project I’m doing at the moment I would like to allow only the logged-in members to post comments on articles from the front-end.

Reading here and there, I’ve seen the Frontend Member Manager extension has just been released, so I gave it a try. From what I’ve guessed (but I could have assumed something wrong) if the Frontend Member Manager: Status event is attached to a page and the user is logged-in, I can make Symphony checking if the status “logged-in” is equal to “yes” and only then allow him/her to post the comment (creating the form in the page), otherwise not (not creating the form at all).

Does this practice make sense?

Therefore I’ve created a new section called Members where I’ve put all the three Frontend Member Manager fields: Member Email, Member Password and Member Status. I’ve succeed in creating a page with a form for registering a new user (through a standard Symphony event), but I’m struggling in making the log-in working.

I’ve written the following form in my log-in page (both the Frontend Member Manager: Status and the Frontend Member Manager: Login are attached to that page):

<form method="post">
    <label>E-mail address: </label>
    <input name="fields[e-mail]" type="text" />
    <label>Password: </label>
    <input name="fields[password]" type="password" />
    <input name="fields[members]" type="hidden" value="users" />
    <input class="send" name="action[login]" type="submit" value="Login" />

The Members section fields where the mail and the password are stored are named respectively E-mail and Password (I’ve also other several fields in that very same section, like Username for example).

The problem I’ve experienced is that when I try to log-in in the page (I tried several times and I’ve also created new members and reset the passwords to be sure it was not due to a typing error), the status “logged-in” is still equal to “no”.

What am I doing wrong? Can you help me, please?


Reading here and there, I’ve seen the Frontend Member Manager extension has just been released, so I gave it a try.

Frontend Member Manager was first released almost 2 years ago. I point this out in case you're confusing it with the new members extension that is expected to be released soon.

I see, yes, you’re right I’ve confused them (too many similar names, I’m sorry).

But the Frontend Member Manager extension should work too, am I right? I’m not able to understand where I’ve made the mistake since the login form is not working….

Gentlemen, I’ve a trouble: at the last minute a client decided he wanted to have users to log in before being able to add comments to the various articles on a project whose deadline is Sunday the 20th.

I’ve tried to make the Frontend Member Manager extension working, but I’m not able to disentangle the problems I’m facing and making the log-in form to work. Is there anyone who can help me? Obviously there is a reward for the trouble. If you are interested, we can discuss it (drop me a line at andreaburan[at]gmail[dot]com).

Otherwise I’ll wait for the release of the new members extension (whose beta I’ve read is being tested at the moment) and I’ll implement it later. In this latter case, I have some questions: how should I structure the comments (which for the moment work similarly to the ones of a standard Symphony installation) in order to easily implement the extension later, without creating a mess with the already posted ones? Can you give me some advices, please? Thanks!

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