

I have an information form that redirects users to a thanks page, and I want to recap what they put in the form but the event xml is lost on the redirected page.

How would I go about accessing it :)

Thanks in advance

this is a bit sketchy if you're expecting to have a lot of traffic, but one option, without writing custom events, is to create a data source that grabs one entry from the section you're referring to, sorting by system id - descending.

the other option might be to pass the form values to your redirect page as GET parameters and then use $url-param, but the url could get ugly.

the information is too sensitive to risk the wrong person seeing the information.

Theres about 15 things that I need to recap so the url would get pretty ugly, although its a thanks page that isnt indexed so it wouldnt be to bad i guess.

Still hoping theres an easy way to pass the event xml along with the redirect, even if i have to add some lines to the event itself.

i don't know nearly enough about writing custom events to weigh in on this, but you might consider whether or not it is actually necessary to separate your form/success pages. typically when i write up a form, it is multi-phased based on the event's output. if there is no event output, or @result='error', the form is served up (with any necessary validation markers). if @result='success', a success message and any relevant feedback is displayed instead.

just food for thought.

hmm so dont have a thanks page have the submit page change based on if there is submitted data or not.

I like it.

exactly. that way you can reliably and securely access your event's feedback without having to muck around in a custom event. it's also extremely handy if you want to give validation hints on an unsuccessful form submission, since part of the event xml returned gives you both the already-submitted data as well as any failed conditions.

Im using form controls and do display errors testing the success should be easy enough

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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