
I have been trying to do sorting by two values. First is text type and it works, but I need to sort also by time. How I could achieve this?

For example, if I have entries that I sort by title: C, B, B, B, B, A, and then by time. The order by title should stay same, but with entries titles starting with B (or others too) shoud be ordered by time.

Like: A, B (13:00), B (14:00), ...

Figured it out. Here's an example:

First, <xsl:sort select="title" ...

Then, use <xsl:sort select="substring-before(time, ':')" ... for hours and then <xsl:sort select="substring-after(time, ':')" ... for minutes. Don't forget to order them and use number as data-type.

Until you realise you may also want to group the entries, in which case I may introduce you to Muenchian Grouping

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