
I'm working on upgrading my website from v1.7.1 and have come across the fact that the file upload no longer supports multiple files. A quick browse through the forum didn't seem to lead me to a clear understanding of what the new expected method is so I thought I'd ask.

Essentially it's my portfolio site and on the project pages there can be a number of images. Of course right now my site only supports up to 9 images due to the design but I don't want to limit myself in terms of future designs.

What is the current best practice for images? Must I make multiple file fields or is there some other method I'm not aware of? There's no support documentation yet so any guides anyone has found on other sites or such would be greatly appreciated.

Make images its own section, complete with fields for caption, alt text, etc... Then add a Select Box Link field that points to Project Pages. Now your projects can have any number of images.

I'm still rather new to Symphony, my current site was my first foray and a number of things have changed in v2. How would you recommend I specify a group of images for a specific post?

So far I must say I prefer the ability to choose multiple files to upload.

Maybe you should look into the Subsection and Mediathek extensions...

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