
Hi all,

I have just made some changes and deleted a few sections, but now, whenever I try to access or create a new data source I get:

Table 'bbfy.sym_entries_data_11' doesn't exist
An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query
SELECT SQL_CACHE DISTINCT `value` FROM `sym_entries_data_11` ORDER BY `value` DESC

To be sure, quite a few data sources were connected to the sections I have deleted. I would have thought those would have been deleted automatically as well, or at least that I could delete them manually...

I have also tried removing all the actual data source files from the data-sources folder, but I still get the same error. I will post the full output if necessary.

This was a project I was about to finish off, but now I am completely at loss (it's my first Symphony project, would have been wise to back up!).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time!

Oh well, I was lucky enough to copy the table structure from another random sym_entries_data table, and it worked!

(Kudos to my wife for the input :D)

I still would like to know what would have been a less random solution.

Kudos to my wife for the input :D

She's a keeper.

My guess is that you still had at least one data source referencing a purged section. Deleting a section doesn't delete data sources associated with it (I don't think).

Or alternatively you had a related section that still existed — perhaps a Select Box Link that joined two sections, and one of the sections had been deleted.

Yes, I had quite a few data sources referencing deleted sections. If I knew that was gonna happen I would have deleted the data sources first.

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