
Alistair, while you're busy releasing extensions, I was wondering if anyone else remembers the sneak peek screencast of the Navigation Editor Alistair was working on for 1.7.03 back in April 2007? This is the Extension I have been waiting for. As soon as the new Overture Extensions area is ready to accept PayPal donations, I'd be willing to lay down some cash for this.

Is this still in the works?

Yep, it's in the works - I myself want it too.

Cool! It won't be too long, then.

I'm looking forward to it as well.


This is already mostly possible with the integration branch. When adding a Section one can choose the navigation group to add the section to. I don't know whether it has been implemented, but a simple API for extensions to hook into would be great!

The present fetchNavigation method in extensions seems a bit clunky to me.

I assume you mean that the navigation configuration without the author access functionality would be possible. I'm checking out the integration branch now to take a look see.

I see the Navigation Group field, but I'm getting an error when trying to save sections:

An unknown database occurred while attempting to create the section.

I guess this isn't quite ready for prime time, but I get the idea. It'll be great when this gets released.

Ah yes, I had this too.

"I couldn’t add a section because the tblsections didn’t have the navigationgroup field. I added a varchar(255) and all was well."

So, something like this:

  ALTER TABLE  `sym_sections` ADD  `navigation_group` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ;

Looks like it's working so far. Thanks, Nick. Now, let's see if we can release an author access extension and I can check a lot of things of my wish list.

Unfortunately, I can't reorder because of a JS bug.

What level of access control is required?

I'm not sure an Extension would be able to do this, since I don't know whether the right hooks are in place. But a drop down could be added to the Section edit allowing the developer to choose All/Author/Developer. Depending on the role, these sections are displayed in the navigation.

@nickdunn, I responded in a new thread.

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