
Hey everyone, I'm new to Symphony and having a bit of a problem. Except I'm not entirely sure what the problem is.

I've set up Symphony locally to play with it a bit and learn the ropes before I try and set up a live site. The install went fine, no errors, and the front end appears to be working perfectly, however, if I go to localhost/symphony and type in my username and password, rather than giving me any kind of back end, it seems to just refresh the page and present me with the same login form.

I'm not sure what I've done wrong here (assuming it's something I did, because that's usually the case), could someone give me a nudge in the right direction?


Scratch that, turns out it just doesn't like Chrome. It let me login fine using Firefox.

Hi christy, welcome to Overture! It's not your fault. Most likely this is a bug we discovered in the newly released Symphony 2.0.1, documented here as #115.

Symphony 2.0.2 will fix this bug.

I also experienced this with the archive from github on my localhost and server. The zip file posted on this website worked, however.

nickdunn, thanks very much! I'll try that out and see if it works for me as soon as I get a moment... I'd do it now, but alas, RL calls.

carsten, I was having the issue with the zip from the website, myself.

Is this the latest zipfile?

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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