
One thing I am really missing for Client's in S2 is the Field 'Descriptions'. They were great places to write information like 'upload images at 400px width' or 'this is the main title field". Anyone know why they were removed? How could we bring them back?

Thanks AL

Hear hear. They appear on some fields, but not on most. Furthermore, with many fields it is not indicated for the Client if it is an optional field or not.

Maybe the developers have their reasons but I don't understand. It was a killer but simple feature. So many CMS' make users have to use their own obscure field terms. Symphony blew me away with the fact I could choose my fields and then over the user notes of explanation with descriptions. But where in 1.7 I would have set up a field 'Title' and the description 'Main Page Header' now I am tempted to write stupidly long field names like 'Main-Page-Title' or 'Bottom-Paragraph-Left' that by necessity change in every section which makes common utilities more long-winded. How do you request a feature be returned?

I never worked with Symphony 1.x, so I didn't even know this feature existed... I'd really like to see this back too as especially for non-english-speaking-sites it would be nice to be able to keep the fieldnames simple and in english while having the possibility to describe in whatever language what the field is all about.

I believe this is returning in Symphony 3, but was dropped for S2 in favour of simplicity.

Adding this back in might be quite a difficult task since it would require modification of the entire core. However I can think of a possible way of doing this using JavaScript in an Extension. But I don't have time to even contemplate starting it at the moment :-(

Adding this back in might be quite a difficult task since it would require modification of the entire core.

I'm not sure about this as a description fields can be added by each developer who designs a field extension and it should only be necessary to modify the core fields (text field, textarea, tag list etc...) to get this working on the other fields.

Maybe an idea to have one client manual, each chapter with a unique title. and then both front and backend small expandable snipptes of applicable chapters, pulling their content from that one entry manual. Also a help or manual button in the backend to navigate to the entire document.

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