
Hi everyone,

I'm now onto my 5th site using Symphony and have to implement some functionality I've never done before.

I'm hoping to get some advice on how someone with experience would approach this site.

The website is a directory for coffee bars all around the world. The user flow would be something like this:

User visits site.
Filters by country and city to find coffee bars.
Site returns a list of coffee bars, with options to further filter the results such as: roasters being offered, equipment, brewing methods, etc.

My current setup is as follows:


Coffeebar Text input - Name
Subsection Manager - Roasters
Subsection Manager - Brew Methods
Subsection Manager - Equipment
Select Box Link - Location
Select Box Link - City

Location Text input - Name of Country
Subsection Manager - City

Brew Methods Text Input - Name

Roasters Text Input - Name


find.xsl url:
params: country/city/

Data Sources

Coffee Bars Filter coffeebar by:
Country: {$country}
City: {$city}

And my questions finally..

  1. How can I filter by some of the attributes like "roasters, brew methods"?

I am currently able to show all coffee bars in Vancouver, Canada by using parameters. For example: I can type and this works. But I would like to additionally now show only those coffee bars with "X roaster" using "X brew methods" within this list. I'm having trouble figuring out how to set this up, both on the view end and the admin side.

  1. What is the best way to setup a Country - City select box system. I've read through a few threads but nothing seems very conclusive. Is the best way to enter in all the countries and cities manually and then create links between all of them respectively?

  2. Multiple Language Support. Does anybody have general advice in the direction I should goto set this up? I'd like a user be able to select a language, and have any system strings such as "Showing 54 coffee bars in Vancouver, Canada" to be displayed in desired language. Any general advice to where I can read more about this or strategies for setting this up would be great.

If there are threads and sources online that I have missed regarding these topics please don't hesitate to point me to them.

Thanks as always, and I've attached two photos to give more context on the functionality.


results.jpg and home1_landing_v2.jpg

Regarding 1: You could make use of _GET parameters. ?roasters=bla would appear as $url-roasters in your param pool.

Thanks phoque, I'll play with that.

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