
I get this error twice on every page in the admin and on the public side after the 2.2.1 update:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/mrblank/ on line 1226

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/mrblank/ on line 1226

I'm on Dreamhost and I found this forum post that may be helpful.

I checked Github to see if the file had been edited, but it hasn't. Any ideas on what to do?


I changed line 1226 of class.field.php from this:

        return $this->buildDSRetrievalSQL($data, &$joins, &$where, $andOperation = false);

to this:

        return $this->buildDSRetrievalSQL($data, $joins, $where, $andOperation = false);

and the error went away, BUT I don't know what this does or if it breaks anything.

Still need some help with this one!


What version of PHP are you running?

PHP Version 5.2.15

Yup, seen that before. In most cases, the fix is easy.

Instead of

function doStuff($data) {


you'll now have to do

function doStuff(&$data) {


Basically, it's no longer allowed to let the caller decide if it's call-by-reference but solely the callee.

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