
Hi Guys/Gals,

A while ago I built a Last.FM into my site using symphony and things were going great. I checked my page today and for some reason it stopped working. I've been debugging but haven't come up with much. If anyone could take a peek it shouldn't be to complicated for a seasoned eye.

Please note this is 1.7

Here is my Code:

This is the error symphony is throwing, I don't know whats going on, seems to be dying on the param on the url-encode template on line 52...

 XML processing error:
 XSLTProcessor::transformToXml(): runtime error: file /home/devkinet/public_html/_subdomains/blog/ line 51 element param

 XML processing error:
 XSLTProcessor::transformToXml(): Unexpected XSLT element 'param'.

 XML processing error:
 XSLTProcessor::transformToXml(): runtime error: file /home/devkinet/public_html/_subdomains/blog/ line 52 element if

 XML processing error:
 XSLTProcessor::transformToXml(): Variable 'str' has not been declared.

I don't know much about XSLT, and errors generated by parser are often really confusing for me, but try to move param declaration above variable declarations. Also You could try to make param select empty string by default:

<xsl:param name="str" select="''"/>

Maybe that will help?

ahwayakchih: Thanks for the reply, your not alone on finding the errors confusing! Whats confusing me is the url-encode script is from "here": , and I copied / pasted it before and it just worked (moved the variables and removed the example).

If I comment out the advanced functionally, the script works up to the point where the artist/song is sent the the url encode template, so the issue seems to be rooted there. The error feel like bad syntax, but I again can't find a thing wrong... nor do i remember ever editing anything.

Of course I must have done something, sleep-coding perhaps?

In your second template, parameters must be defined prior to anything else, including variables. Move <xsl:param name="str"/> to the beginning of url-encode template.

Lewis: I knew it was something goofy! Thanks for taking a look, I'm back up and running:

btw, I owe you a brew.

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