
What desktop xslt processor do you prefer to use on your mac (intel)? Any of these or others? I still use testxslt, but it runs under rosetta and crashes a lot.

Also which one of those supports viewing the source of rss feeds?

I have not found any XSLT processing software which integrates well into Mac OS and/or my development enviroment. So I do nearly all development on test or live installations of Symphony. There are two very important points to this:

  • You probably want "Edit in TextMate" installed, which allows you to edit any browser input field's content in TextMate by using a keybord shortcut. Thus, you will be very fast in Symphony's backend!
  • Working on live websites, you have to use conditional statements using the $is-logged-in parameter which is defined in master.xsl.

RSS-Feeds: You can see the source in Firefox using "view source" on an RSS page! I am not sure if you need the Web Devoloper Toolbar extension for this (but you will need it anyway...).

Another big "speed-up" for TextMate users developing on remote servers is opening files via FTP in tabs instead of new windows. This may be achieved by using a special "TextMate project" file, which you will have to create once (and then simply open it before oppening files via FTP). I found this here:

Use Tabs in Textmate for Files Opened Via Transmit by Stuart Colville

Thanks, so for testing out complex transformations you just have all the pages, utilities and masters open in textmate (tabbed), make edits, and then refresh your browser each time to see the result? Having the (local) symphony install transform.

I must say I found out that the libxslt engine from symphony can't do all the things Gnome Libxslt Processor from testxslt does (using keys), isn't this the same 1.0 version?

When working with abstract snippets, to learn xsl, outside of symphony you don't have any specific recommendations for the above transformers?

I would like to start with espresso instead of textmate. I have posted a feat request for xslt dev aid over there might be onto something for them to cater to us symphonians, or not.

I would like to start with espresso instead of textmate.

I can recommend Coda in connection with Symphony - but Espresso works quite similar.

... Having the (local) symphony install transform.

Exactly. Well, most of the time I even use remote installations (i.e. somewhere in the web). This has proved to be the best solution for me. It's probably not ideal for everyone. Just my 2 cents...

I must say I found out that the libxslt engine from symphony can't do all the things Gnome Libxslt Processor from testxslt does (using keys), isn't this the same 1.0 version?

Yes, it is. But I am developing for Symphony, so I am fine. If I was writing XSL for different systems and/or transformation engines, I would definitely change the workflow.

[EDIT]: The LibXSLT version depends on your PHP version. In PHP 5.2.6 it is LibXSLT 1.1.19.

... recommendations for the above transformers?

No. As I said, none of them integrated well for me. But last time I take a look at them was some months ago.

I would like to start with espresso instead of textmate.

Espresso is an interesting application. I find there are still some things missing, but I will definitely keep an eye on it!

Hi Nils, I also have a Coda license since 1.0! Haven't used it for a long time now. Maybe I should give it another go trying the current version!

I love Coda's application icon. Really.

I sometimes use - it's got a pretty crufty UI, but it works well and lets you choose between all of the major XSL engines.

Hi Nils, I also have a Coda license since 1.0! Haven't used it for a long time now. Maybe I should give it another go trying the current version!

Coda isn't a help at all if you like to test XPath or similar but it's great that you can directly work on the server so there is no need to edit utilities or pages in the admin interface. Just open the needed utility in Coda's file browser change and save it and your done. I think Espresso allows the same workflow, the interface is different (more reduced) and I think it's still beta.

But as this thread is about XSLT transformations I stop writing about Coda (sorry for getting off topic!).

I have yet to find a streamlined approach to editing XSLT on the Mac, but here's what I've found:

Oxygen XML Editor

I mostly use this editor. It's expensive, but it's the only one I know about that has XSLT code hints and definitions. It will also do transformations. Very powerful and full of features that I have no idea how to use.

For quick edits, I default to Textmate and there are a few bundles you can install to help.


An XML/DTD/XSD/RNG/Schematron/XInclude/XPath plug-In for TextMate.

TextMate XSLT bundle

Not as good as Oxygen, but closer.

Coda uses SubEthaEdit and can use it's compatible Modes.

I hope Espresso or Coda gets an XSLT extension that includes code hints. We'll have to see.

That's about all I know. Because of the parameters that Symphony puts in, it makes doing transformations difficult outside the system. To be honest, anything with code hints and syntax highlighting will do. If you are creating very specific datasources, your XML should be very clean and organized making the XSLT much easier to write.

If you are creating very specific datasources, your XML should be very clean and organized making the XSLT much easier to write.

When you work with feeds from external webaps, such as google picasa webalbum, you end up with very complex/bloated xml. And depending on what you are doing, complex transformations with params.

Regarding code-hints, Espresso uses a plugin system called 'sugar' and it works with xml so we migth be best placed to write a sugar for xsl ourselves ?!...

Adding to MrBlanks list of Applications:

AquaPath Invaluable application to test really complex XPath expressions.

AquaXSL Universal binary alternative to TestXSLT. I personally prefer TestXSLT still though.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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