
The old Section Link field (from S2.0 beta) by default has cascading deletes enabled. The new Select Box Link field by default has cascading deleted disabled. Neither version has the ability to change this value through the Symphony UI.

Is there a specific rationale behind this?

Is there a specific rationale behind this?

Not really. It should really be a checkbox in the fields settings. I think the reason It was off by default was due to the varying ways a Select Box link is being used, and the troubling thought that someone using it might delete a lot of entries they didn't mean to. Since there was no UI to change this setting, if was disabled by default.

I will look at making this configurable.

and the troubling thought that someone using it might delete a lot of entries they didn't mean to

Exactly what we hit yesterday — 250+ entries disappearing without trace, only to suss that a related entry elsewhere was being manually removed! Fun and games.

This was because of the use of a legacy Section Link rather than a Select Box Link. So long as the default is off, I think it's safe to reveal this in the UI.

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