
Hi there,

Is there anyway to remove the articles as the first thing to appear in the Publish menu?

I have already set it to hide from the publish menu in sections and changed it's position, but it still appears.


If you mean you don't want it to be the default when you log in:

System > Authors > (select user) > Default Section

EDIT: it appears that's not what you mean though ;)

Actually it is, thanks czheng. I knew it should be easy ;).

As an aside, you can change the order of the Sections listed in the Publish drop down by dragging and re-ordering when you view the Blueprints > Sections table.

Yeah I saw, works great, thanks.

You can even hide sections from the publish menu. It would be a nice feature to have a link in the section editing screen next to the option to hide sections, so you are able to add links to a section hidden from the menu without manually typing the URL or hiding/showing the section.

Well if you look at the Sections table (Blueprints > Sections) you can click the link in the 'Entries' column. From there you can create entries in hidden sections.

Ah, that's exactly what I was looking for and even at a more logical position. The symphony21 team is so smart!

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