Crazy transformToXML error
This is an open discussion with 10 replies, filed under XSLT.
All I can suggest is you start demolishing the XSLT line by line. Start by removing the includes (page title, navigation, copyright) and the templates that use them. When the error disappears, you've point the breakpoint... was one line... panic averted people.
I hade <xsl:apply-templates select="/"/>
instead of <xsl:apply-templates/>
maybe this thread is worthy of a delete?
No, it remains here as incriminating evidence against you FOR EVERS!!!
I like this idea. I can come here every morning, so my day will be good! :-)
No, it remains here as incriminating evidence against you FOR EVERS!!!
My life is ruined.
Ah, Fazal, all you need is a new name, a new town and new friends!
I might move back to Nürnberg, but then I suppose the legend of my demise would have spread. There is no escape. Infinite recursion indeed.
Fazal, here's your problem...
<xsl:template name="life"> <xsl:with-param name="status" select="'ruined'" /> <xsl:call-template name="life" /> </xsl:template>
Thankfully you only have to ensure 3000 iterations before you ultimately suffer a fatal error.
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I'm using a new computer at work and I seem to be getting the craziest error. Symphony is freaking out over nothing it seems.
My setup is:
I have simply setup a couple of sections and a DS an was attempting to put together a homepage before I got the following error:
My code looks like:
If anyone can help me figure out whats going on that would be fantastic. Thanks.