
Here is the returned xml

<OneBoxResults> <resultCode>success</resultCode> <provider>unit_testing</provider> <MODULE_RESULT> <U></U> <FIELD name="catalog_number">509-BOD</FIELD> <FIELD name="description">Starter,SIZE 1,115-120V 60Hz,Open Relay</FIELD> <FIELD name="partially_validated">1</FIELD> </MODULE_RESULT> </OneBoxResults>

How do I test that partially_validated is a one or zero and change the output because of it? I tried this and many more versions with no success: <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="/OneBoxResults/MODULE_RESULT/FIELD/[@name='partially_validated']='1'"> Partially validated = 1 </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> Partially validated = 0 </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose>

Thank you for any help you can give John

For better legibility, I've formatted the code:

        <FIELD name="catalog_number">509-BOD</FIELD>
        <FIELD name="description">Starter,SIZE 1,115-120V 60Hz,Open Relay</FIELD>
        <FIELD name="partially_validated">1</FIELD>

You were so close. Remove the slash after the FIELD node selector in the XPath:

    <xsl:when test="/OneBoxResults/MODULE_RESULT/FIELD[@name='partially_validated'] = '1'">Partially validated = 1</xsl:when>
    <xsl:otherwise>Partially validated = 0</xsl:otherwise>

Thank you so much for your help.
I have put the code in as you stated and there are no more errors. But the test never matches on a '1' condition. I have placed a line in there to output the value of "partiallyvalidated" and see that it toggles, but the "when test" line never switches. Let me be a little more help. This returns partiallyvalidated = 1 [link text][1] This returns partially_validated = 0 [link text][2]

[1]:"Partially Validated = 1

[2]:"Partially Validated = 0

Again thanks John

I finally got it working by not including the root path /OneBoxResults/ AND taking the single quotes off the "1" at the end. NOTE: I also pointed to the first result which had no bearing on this not working.

    <xsl:when test="MODULE_RESULT[1]/FIELD[@name='partially_validated']=1">
    Partially validated = 1</xsl:when>
    <xsl:otherwise>Partially validated = 0</xsl:otherwise>

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