
Hi, Two questions: I have a "projects" section and a "directors" section. While making entries to the "projects" section, i want to select from "directors" entries. I can do that with a selectbox. But if the project's director is not already in the "direcors" section entries, i have to first go the "directors" section, make the new direcor entry and then go the "projects" section and make the new entry with the new director. So the question is: Is there a way to "select from directors section if it's not already there make this a new entry for the "directors" section as well". Tag list seemed to be what i wanted since if you use it with "existing values" it keeps track of earlier tags, and adds new ones to the existing list. So i tried using a "tag list" in the "projects" section using the "directors" section name as the suggestion list. But it doesn't update the "directors" list if i make an entry which is not in the "directors" section.

The second question is: Is there a "file select" tool somewhere? For each project, i have big video files which i wouldn't want to upload via a file upload item. I would upload via ftp and get the link to the file in the projects section. But i don't want to enter all the file links by hand, i just need to select the file and get the link to this file to projects section.

Sory, for the long post, i don't know if it's clear enough and thank you for listening/reading.

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