
Want a way to easily password protect resources a resource. Authentication can be super simple, just a password and nothing else.

How about adding "password" field (can be regular textfield) to section. Create page with datasource which selects entry by handle/id and password. Frontend could include JavaScript that asks user for password and gets entry from server page. If password is wrong, no entry is returned. If password is ok, entry is returned. If You want to remember which user unlocked selected entry (and allow user to open data again, without a need for password), You could create section that stores information about "unlocked" data and event that creates entry there (id, user id, data entry id, password passed by user). Then just select id from that section by user id, data entry id and password (equal to data entry password) and compare it to id stored in a cookie. It requires some work to set everything up but it is doable and can work for all 3 cases You mentioned :).

I've been playing with Google Analytics API, FWIW... extension to follow :)


A long time ago I have built an extension (which I called "Password Monster" at that time), which simply adds a POSTed password to the user session and reveals this password in the page XML. It includes an opt-in event and an opt-out event. As @ahwayakchih pointed out, the rest could be done with native Symphony tools and some XSLT or JavaScript magic.

If only I found the time to clean this extension up a bit... (It uses a datasource, for example, the password info to the page; but adding this to the params or the event XML would be much better, because this would allow to filter datasources using the password.)

I would really like to rewrite it and release it if I find the time. It should probably be named "Simple Pass" or similar.

An extension that can open and re-save all the entries in a section using the standard delegates is coming up a lot as a requirement.

Now that we can do magical things with extensions like the Reflection Field and Search Index, it seems quite important to us to be able to do this without manually going through the entries.

I for one would kiss anyone (digitally, of course) who did it, as I use sections with thousands of entries, and I'm not masochistic enough to spend days going through each one...

An extension that can open and re-save all the entries in a section using the standard delegates is coming up a lot as a requirement

A very good idea. The problem you may face is memory limits when crunching tons of entries. I solved this with Search Index by processing them one page at a time. I'd be glad to re-use this same logic and write a small extension that does this batch re-saving. It should be relatively simple to recreate the delegate calls.

Here's a proof of concept.

As Nick said, a little batch logic is probably required :)

Here's a proof of concept.

Thanks Marco!

p.s. Pinned.

Now we have a great proof of concept, could Nick add the page stuff to it? Then that's one done and crossed off ;)

With any collaborative extensions that come up on this thread (the re-save one being a prime example), we should house the code at the Symphonists organisation on Github

Nick, myself and many others have access to this and can create repos for the extensions, and can also manage pull requests etc.

With any collaborative extensions that come up on this thread (the re-save one being a prime example), we should house the code at the Symphonists organisation on Github

How do you become a member?

Makenosound, i am sorry - i was wrong. Reflection fields always have data set to null, so there is no way to get previously saved value :(. At least not with current version :).

Now we have a great proof of concept, could Nick add the page stuff to it? Then that's one done and crossed off ;)

I've already coded most of that too following Nick suggestion. A reasonable release date is early next week ;)

Awesome, great work!

Was there ever a solution to having url's with a page/param/page/param style? I vaguely remember chatting to someone about it, but can't remember who or when!

You and I came up with a plan we were going to use for S3. Don't know if that's what you're referring to?

That might of been it! I wonder if that logic could be used with existing S2 delegates.

Was there ever a solution to having url's with a page/param/page/param style

The URL Router extension solves that.

The URL Router extension solves that.

Perhaps, though the barrier seems to be a bit higher. The idea Brendan and I had was a little more easy to use.

I've just posted on this thread about the status of the upcoming Twitter Notifier extension...

Working away on the Google Analytics extension.

I'm drinking White Symphony tea while I work on Symphony, I'm not kidding.

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