
Dear Symphonists,

thanks for all the good stuff in this forum, and all the nice extensions and stuff. I’ve been able to figure out most of my problems just by googling myself through this.

However, now I’m kind of stuck with the following problem.

I have two section teachers and courses.

A course links to a teacher via a subsection manager field, so listing courses and including teachers works great. However, I also want to go the other way round, and list all the teachers including the associated courses they are linked to. I thought about doing this via a data-source listing all the courses grouped by teachers, as a subsection. But there is no way to group after a subsection, is there? Maybe this is a cul-de-sac, and I am missing a really easy way to do this properly?

Thanks for your help!

There is the Bi-Link field for lining entries both ways. I'm not sure of the status, but it's definitely worth checking out. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with all the pizaz of the subsection manager (it would be awesome to get it to do so!)

Alexander, you seem to have a crush on my extensions today :)
What you are looking for is currently not possible out of the box but it's possible to write a custom data source to achieve your goal.

Would this be possible with data source chaining?

Thanks for the quick replies guys, will try to follow these three threads and get back later!

@nils apparently your extensions are exactly what the typical german needs :)

Most likely they are not sufficient for the typical German needs :D

Thanks again! The Bi-Link Field did the trick. Good stuff! So finally I am using an extension that’s not from Nils :D (just kidding).

I couldn’t get this to work via data source chaining, but maybe it’s just to much for me to comprehend. A custom data source definitely is.

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