
I'm at a point with the Twitter Notifier where I have to get the oAuth integrated with the extension.

To keep the integration as clean as possible, I need to open a page in a separate window for the authentication at Twitter, and have found a simple method of doing so, only I don't really know how to continue...

As the opened page is completely separate from Symphony, is there any way I can use Symphony classes inside this file? I also would like to link to the extension driver from this file if possible.

I need to access the Configuration class, as some of the details are stored under the Preferences, and would like to do it without using sessions, unless it is the best way to do this.

Anyone done this themselves?

Doesn't oAuth typically do a postback to the referring URL? If that's the case, then you just need to process the returned result and generate the session/cookie on Symphony's end.

For a site last year I worked on with Facebook integration, we created an event that listened for Facebook's response that was attached to the callback page.

The load function of the event looked for Facebook's session-id and if so, executed the __trigger.

I'll try and explain it a little more in detail...

The oAuth process is in the backend and retrieves a set of tokens so that the account can auto send messages until the user deactivates it. I'm doing this verification from a content page that is extending the Administration page class. To get this to work smoothly, I have it opening in a separate window to do the authentication, then post back to the same page to set some Session variables, then closes the page. Once the page has closed, a listener on the content page refreshes the page and checks that the session has the right info to proceed and authenticate the account.

I was just hoping there was a way to send variables to the separate window without using the session...

The frontend stuff is easy in comparison, and like Brendan said, it's a load and __trigger thing...

It ooks like it's a session process then... Thanks for your answers guys!

Are you able to define the post back URL? I do this with the Google Analytics extension I'm working on and have the post back go to my content page in the admin.

The postback is set to the page initiating the authentication, which is not a Symphony page. But yes, I can set whatever I like as the postback.

I can do it with a session, so I'll crack on with that for now. If I can find a way to access Symphony classes from PHP scripts outside of Symphony, then I will change it.

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