
Hi, can someone make a extension, that shows a "save and close" button on the bottom of a entry ...

that means ...

after saving it's shows the list page ?

thanx !

Not really necessary, when you save there is a message at the top that says it is successful and has the options to create another or view all of them, i.e back to the index page.

Hi touchstone,

thanks for reply

i know this function but i wan't a "save and view all" button on the bottom. is more user friendly and faster to work.

There was talk of this being added to the core a while back... I'll flag it again and see what the consensus is...

How about SHIFT+click to go back to "view all"? That would allow to go back, if needed, and there would be no need for another button there.

Or changing "Save" button to something like the "create" button in Dashboard extension. Default action would stay as it is now, but on mouse over there could be additional action(s) added, e.g., "save and view all", "save as new", etc...

How about SHIFT+click to go back to "view all"? That would allow to go back, if needed, and there would be no need for another button there.

I like the idea. @quma, would you mind opening a new issue on the issue tracker?

@eKoeS have make one: link text

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