
This is my first foray into setting up a CMS. I like the concept of Symphony (XSLT and XML) as I need to learn XSLT for work.

I have what is likely a very newbie question. I have managed to get get everything setup (PHP5, mySQL 5, added a new Db) in OS X 10.5, but I can not get the passed the install screen - something is incorrect in my Db setup. I've checked and the Db I'm attempting to use definitely exists, but I wonder if I need to be more specific in the location (and I don't know what that would be)? Currently, I am simply entering in the name of the Db, 'root' and password. Thanks for your assistance.

@atomant Could you post some more detail, the Symphony install should give some feedback if the settings are incorrect. This should be quite easy to resolve with a little more info.

One thing though, the php5 install in OSX doesn't have all the libraries you might want for Symphony. GD (image manipulation library) being the main one. Due to this limitation I opted to switch to MAMP.

but mamp doesnt have the extention that enables you to zip up an ensemble...

@newnomad You're quite right ;-) I'm currently frustrated by that one. An ensemble extension that doesn't need Zip Archive would seem to be the answer. I going to code one up unless someone tells me it already exists!

Hi and thanks for helping out. I did use the OS X (10.5) php5 install. For mySQL I downloaded and installed 5.1.31. I used a mySQL management tool (Sequel Pro) to create a new Db ("parker") and verified that it exists by using mysql> show databases; in Terminal. I have mySQL running. I'm attaching a screenshot of the install screen if that helps. If I switched to MAMP would I be able to install Symphony? I don't think that I need any ensembles at this point. I could cross that bridge when I come to it. It looks like MAMP is a GUI install so that will (hopefully) be fairly straight forward. Any issues with having already installed other versions of Apache, php5 and mySQL? Thanks again, Al.


Okay, well the screenshot you attached is telling me that the MySQL username and password combination are not working. You need to ensure that your root password for MySQL is set correctly, or you need to setup a new user for your Symphony DB. You will be able to do that through Sequel Pro.

If you decide to switch to MAMP, you will find that it has everything you need, including MySQL management via phpMyAdmin. Symphony works fine with it, apart from the aforementioned absence of Zip Archive.

The only thing to watch out for with MAMP is that Apache and MySQL run on different ports to the ones they would normally. All that is explained on the MAMP launch page though.

Good luck and please come back if you need any further help.

Just a bit of clarification, unless you've edited your MySQL settings as part of the OS X installation both username and password should be "root". Have you tried this?

@dougoftheabaci Thanks, I should have mentioned that combo in my post.

@neilalbrock I think you might be on to something in thinking that the u/p combo is incorrect. While I can gain access to mySQL using Sequel Pro and via Terminal I do need to do something that strikes me as a little odd in Terminal. If I enter 'sudo mysql -p' I am prompted for 'password' which takes my sys admin password. I am then prompted with 'Enter password' which takes my mySQL root password. If I try 'sudo mysql' I get 'Access denied'. Does that seem normal? I have tried both passwords when attempting to set up Symphony. Sequel Pro takes the mySQL root password without a problem. Thanks again.

I would be inclined to setup a new user for your symphony install, or perhaps a general web user for all development purposes. That will probably see an end to your issues.

I found this article about getting the PHP Zip archive working in MAMP, but I am stuck on step four. Terminal is giving me this error: -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory I've tried cd to several different php/php5 directories without any luck. So I'm wondering if MAMPs structure has changed since this was written. I'm attaching a screenshot of my MAMP dir.


@atomant I have just been through the guide you posted (great find by the way), it worked perfectly for me. The question is, do you have the OSX developer tools installed? If not then you won't be able to do the configure and make parts of this process. Get the tools from the Apple Developer site, install and you should be good to go.

@neilalbrock I installed Xcode, but don't seem to be having any luck doing the configure. I'm not much of a UNIX user so it could very well be that I am missing something simple. Which dir did you run the config in? bin? conf? tmp? See my attempts below:

new-host:~ xxx$ cd /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php

new-host:php xxx$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/php

-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

new-host:php xxx$ cd /Applications/MAMP/tmp

new-host:tmp xxx$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/php

-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

new-host:tmp xxx$ cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5

new-host:php5 xxx$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/php

-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

new-host:php5 xxx$ cd /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5

new-host:php5 xxx$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/php

-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

@atomant I can see exactly where you are going wrong here. The guide makes reference in steps 1-3 to downloading the MAMP source, and unpacking the php5 zip that exists within it. You then cd into that unpacked folder to perform the next few steps.

The aim of the guide is purely to compile the extension, which is then copied into your MAMP installation and enabled via the php.ini file.

If you follow the guide to the letter it works a treat. Let me know how you get on.

@neilalbrock I'm sorry, this is clearly displaying my UNIX ineptitude, but am I supposed to unpack a zip that exists within the DMG? If so, is that done via the command line, and (if it's not too much trouble) how? Thanks!

@atomant If you use the link in the guide to download the MAMP source, it comes as a .tar.gzip file. Unpack that file, just in the Finder. Then go into that new folder structure, find the specified php5 zip file, again unpacking the file in the Finder. Only at that point do you need to switch to the terminal to run the ./configure, make and make install commands. Just make sure you cd into the correct location.

In my case I did the first few steps just in my Downloads folder. I then switched to terminal and did cd from there down into the correct folder.

I hope that helps.

@neilalbrock It worked! I had a feeling I was missing something along those lines, just didn't realize I needed a different source. Thanks so much for your help. Now it's off to learn all I can about Symphony and XSLT and XML.

@atomant Great news, I'm glad you got it sorted. Have fun learning, I think you'll find Symphony, XML and XSLT pretty rewarding once you get the basics down.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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