
Hi there,

Is there any harm in running the install.php again? I need to change to general site name, or is there any other way to do that after installation?


Go to /manifest/config.php and change the site name there.

Thanks Allen,

Somehow I can't update the config.php or change it's rights, but that's probably a server thing.

Why was this taken out of the Admin side of things? Doesn't seem to benefit.

The Preferences panel is for administrative options that you would need to return to on occasion. Modifying the Title of a site, along with its timezone and date formats, is something that was considered to be a one-off task — you do it once when you create the site, and one wouldn't need to return to edit these details.

Don't agree there.

Say for example you have a seasonal website that changes it's name.

Cheers, that may just be the ticket.

My, that's like looking at a mixing desk. Have to be careful not to change too much stuff.

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