
Didn't find on the forum solution for such a trivial task. If abstract DS1 generates the output parameter $ds-ds1-param, how one can filter another data source DS2 by that value? Tried in vain: not{$ds-ds1-param} not-regexp:{$ds-ds1-param}

I don't understand what you mean, if you want to filter the second DS by the $ds-ds1-param then surely you don't need the not-regexp and would just enter the {$ds-ds1-param}?

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Is it to stop the DS2 from outputting if the param doesn't exist?

John, that's exactly what i meant :-) First DS is just listing my articles. The 2nd - full text of article. So as you understand i don't wonna show that article in the listing. As for your suggestion, it definitely works - shows only one article. But i want just the contrary. Smth like not{$ds-ds1-param}, i.e. negative filtering. Ordinary filtering in XSLT is too sad (though it's the only working solution by now)

I'm still confused (although I've had a beer now and I'm sleepy ;o) but I think I get it...

So, you have a list datasource, and a detail datasource. Your first datasource gets filtered by the URL and outputs a parameter, and you want the second datasource to only output content when the first one is being filtered. Am I right?

Oeah, man, you are great! And your beer was magical ;-) That's exactly what i meant. Positive filtering works like a charm. Negative - is a black hole (at least for me). Though, as i said above, xslt helps us, but filtering in Symphony is a much more elegant way.

Ah, then you will need to customise the DS for that behaviour, but don't worry, it's not too difficult...

Nils comments here on how to do it...

I'm running into the same situation here.

I have datasource A, which has ID's of question my logged in member has answered, so I want to extract other questions from datasource B which aren't answered yet.

Is there a way to do this with DS filtering? I also tried stuff like:

not: {$ds-member-answers}

But with no success...

That will all depend on what filtering is available in the field. The buildDSRetreivalSQL function for the field to check.

If it isn't there, it's definitely in the Reflection field's function, so it could be copied from there... Or use the Reflection field to mimic the field you want, it can also be hidden from the publish page to avoid author confusion, or clutter...

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