
Hello everybody,

I wonder if there are some Symphony users/developers twittering about their work. My twitter profile is on, so if anyone wants to follow me and be followed in turn, just drop me a note.

Regards, Thomas

auf deutsch I see..

I know a few people twittering about their work, which does touch on Symphony. However, I don't know of any that is exclusively Symphony related.

Let's use hashtag #symphonycms

Great suggestion.

I'm thoresson on twitter.



@almacmillan - Your about says you're in/from Tacoma? That's where I am this very second.

me =

I post about Symphony at times, but when I do, I use #symphonycms.



@MattShaw I will try and Twitter more about what I'm doing with Symphony.

@davethegr8 sadly I'm not in Tacoma. I'm from Scotland, but I lived in Tacoma for a year (1127 North Lawrence) and absolutely loved the place. And never got over it. So my references to Tacoma are more a virtual wish than an actual reality! I didn't realise that you were the zastica blog Dave? I love that site. Great slice of Tacoma. You need to post on it more so I can get my Tacoma fix.


@almacmillan - Yeah, I'm zastica. If you want a great slice of Tacoma, you should check out It's run by a coworker/friend of mine, and it's an RSS aggregator of all the tacoma blogs.

I'll try to post more, too. It's been a crazy work month, and I'm trying out some new projects/ideas.

Dave, I've never understood why feedtacoma not have an rss feed itself?

This actually reminded me about the Twitter extension I was writing that posts sections updates to a specified account. Should really finish that puppy!

You know... I don't really know. Maybe because it's just content from other sites?

I'd ask Kevin but he's not in the office right now.

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