
Has anyone made a wiki-type extension?

I couldn't find one while digging around? I'm nearly sold on Symphony as the right solution for a project I'm working on but I'm missing this critical component...

I need something which will enable users to edit some pages themselves (but in a nicely audited way).

Many thanks! Tom

What would tou need a wiki extension to do exactly?

Allow users (logged in using members extension most likely) to edit content on a page (ala wikipedia) - ie not doing it via admin or anything like that.

Thanks for your help! I'm new (as you can see).

I thought that was what you meant, but I had to ask :)

With the members extension, users can be allowed to edit content, it all boils down to how you build your site really. Have a good look through the learn section of this site, and you'll get a grip with front end submission through 'events'. With these events, your whole system (of sections that you create) can be opened up to accept content from the front end, or just the ones you choose. It's all done with standard HTML forms, which POST data to the events who then post it into the relevant section.

The only thing that it can't do, is create 'pages' on the fly from the front end. That will take some planning and development on your part, but the people on this forum have experience doing similar things, by creating entries that act as 'pages' instead, and using XSLT and datasources to make it look like they are pages on the front end.

I'd have a good read and a play before you dive right in expecting a good system out of the the end, it took me a long time to get to grips with it all properly, and I'm still learning every day!

I hope this is helpful? Maybe someone else can expand on this with more ideas advice...

Thanks. I've been living in a world of roll-your-own (albeit using XSLT and PHP) for a long time - and have been toying with the idea of Symphony as my needs grow.

I'm still slightly concerned that I won't be able to create an admin interface which is anywhere near as intuitive as I'm currently providing for clients, but I guess I can work up to that. Maybe the other benefits will outweigh this, but will need convincing!

Thanks for your help - will start digging.

You could recreate the admin using the Form Controls XSLT Utility and Section Schemas extension.

It will take a little reading and experimentation, but there's plenty on the forum about it...

Thanks for the tips!

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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