
Newbie question. When you're looking at articles (say) listed in the back-end, is there no way to filter them so you don't see the whole set? Obvious filtering choices would be by a category, or by using keywords in a field.

I see people talking about being eager to move from EE to Symphony, so I have to assume Symphony can do this (it's certainly a big part of EE's back-end). Yet I see nothing in the Publish interface to suggest that you can restrict display of articles this way. Thanks.


AFAIK, there is not a way to do this. You could pretty easily create your own admin page to do this sort of thing, though. I have seen some pretty nice backend extensions (I'm thinking of the datasource table extension) so I'm guessing it would probably be easy to do.

I'm a bit of an xsl nut, so my inclination is to just create an admin page using Symphony's xsl engine itself (using authentication events for security). Never really understood why Symphony's admin wasn't generated by Symphony ( a la Django) . But I don't know that much about how the default admin works, maybe it does?

There's no way presently in the UI, but Symphony does support this.

When you click on a Select Box Link column (the number columns, linking to another section, e.g. Comments in the Articles list) you'll notice the URL has a filter variable in the querystring. You can manually change this to filter your Publish views.


This will show articles where the Publish checkbox is ticked.

In previous versions of Symphony (v1.7) there was a search box and I think the ability to filter; but this was dropped in later versions in preference of weight and simplicity,

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