
Hey Guys,

I can't login to the symphony with safari, that includes this website. I'm not sure whats going on, anyone have an idea?

I have tried multiple machines and i just seems to be the browser itself.

Safari Version 5.0.5 OSX


You maybe disabled Cookies?

Nope, other sites work fine. Private browsing is switched off.

Please post a sceeencast so we can diagnose

Seems to work fine for me, and as I don't use Safari often (if at all) I wouldn't know what to suggest other than posting your .htaccess file.

I swear we hit that before. I can't seem to find any documentation right now, but I remember it was an issue with ip addresses instead of domain names. We solved tweaking /etc/hosts so that symphony was accessed through a local domain instead of the server ip.

Not sure if it's the same issue though.

This was some glitch in safari. I deleted the user/library/safari directory containing its configuration, a little drastic but it seemed to work. I can now login to symphony and post on the forum in safari, whoo!

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