
Hi I have no clue why this error suddenly comes up when I try to access changing a section or even sometimes when adding content. At the moment it seems random.

Fatal error: Class 'fieldtaglist' not found in public_html/ on line 355

Hope someone can help me figure out how to diagnos and fix this.

I should maybe be more clear I cannot access individual blueprints for sections

anytime I click on any section I have created it gives me that above error.

Not sure if I can change the discussion title here either, but hoping I can get some help, as I just had my site to a useable stage and this error cropped up :(

  • What version of Symphony?
  • Can you screenshot your extensions page?
  • Are you running PHP5.2 or PHP5.3?

sure I am using I believe the latest symphony version 2.2.1 Here is the screencast of extensionsalt text

and I will double check the php version

Okay I believe the php version on my host is 5.3.6 the resize uploaded extension was the last one I installed before that I believe was the order entry and the unpublish filter

A side note, how do you actually remove an extension. I trieded uninstall and then deleting the folder but that gives a huge error saying it can't find that extension. So what is the process


Odd. Can you confirm that symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.taglist.php exists?

well look at that for some reason that is an empty file, I assume that means that an extension or something else tried to delete that when it shouldn't? Going to check if I have a copy of that elsewhere

Copied my local copy to the server and that did the trick :) Thank you, now just to figure out how the empty file was created.

for some reason that is an empty file

Do you deploy your site using FTP? Sometimes this happens.

Yes I did. Good to know that I have to double check the ftp upload.

Think I will definitely have to setup a test deploy on the server to check before moving to the real/production site.

That and seperately figuring out how to setup git on windows and/or the shared hosting.

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