
Hi All,

I am using Symphony 2.2.1 and I am wondering how you properly remove an extension.

I tried uninstalling under the system/extensions and then deleting the folder, but this caused a major error where it was looking for that uninstalled extension.

So what step am I missing?

That should work, what was the error?

Glad to know that is the normal procedure. I was uninstalling the resize upload extension as I wasn't getting it to work, and the other fieldtaglist error appeared around the same time, so wasn't sure if it was or wasn't related.

However now I can not seem to replicate the error, which is good that it isn't happening, but still mysterious. If it happens again I will post it.

Thanks for the help

By the way, I found the appropriate path for imagemagick and the resize upload extension now works for me, so no need to uninstall and remove it at this moment.

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