

I am new for symphony, i am creating a project with the help of Symphony 2.1.2 version. In that, more modules are working only at the time when i logged in the backend of symphony , if i logged out symphony backend the module will be empty.

please any one tell the reason why it happened and how to solve it..


more modules are working only at the time when i logged in the backend of symphony , if i logged out symphony backend the module will be empty

Could you describe this some more? What is a "module"? What extensions do you have installed, are you using the Members extension?

Please let me remind you of the forum guidelines:

If you need to ask for help, please be as informative as you can. Describe your problem in depth, and if possible provide code snippets or information about your environment. That way, members won't have to request more information before they can provide a helpful answer.

i am creating a project with the help of Symphony 2.1.2 version

On an unrelated note, if this is a new project I'd highly recommend using the latest, 2.2.1, instead of the 2.1.2 version.

iam creating this for past 5 months..

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