
I'm about to quote on a project with a client, she wants a front-end form where people can create their own entries, but only via a PayPal payment feature.

Is it possible, and is S2 setup to do this out of the box?

Not sure it's possible straight out of the box, a pretty simple extension would let you do it though.

Yes, this would be doable. As far as I know you can kick out to Paypal with a form or a link. There's nothing to stop you using the form to submit the entry into Symphony via an Event, and then using the redirect hidden field to redirect to Paypal.

Anybody interested in creating the extension for me? I will pay whatever it costs.

One hundred million dollars! It's difficult to estimate complexity without knowing the problem. Can you provide a full functional specification or intended user flow? It sounds like it might not need an extension at all.

One hundred million dollars!

+10 awesome points for Nick Dunn.

Well I never asked anyone to give me a quote. Anyone interested drop me a line.

Really? Nobody interested?

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