
I'm trying to launch a site that I just finished developing on a local install.

Here is the error I'm getting: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ethanan/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.field.php:1226) /home/ethanan/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/ line 72

67       */
68      protected function __renderHeaders(){
69          if(!is_array($this->_headers) || empty($this->_headers)) return;
71          foreach($this->_headers as $value){
72              header($value);
73          }
74      }
75  }

I am running Symphony 2.2.1, MySQL 5.0.92, PHP 5.2.17. I've tried to export as an ensemble, export all my files then FTP, and install a freshly downloaded version in hopes of uploading my workspace and extensions, but all have resulted in the same error. Any help you can give is appreciated.

Replace line 1226 of /symphony/lib/toolkit/class.field.php with return $this->buildDSRetrievalSQL($data, $joins, $where, $andOperation);

It's a bug that has been since fixed for the upcoming 2.2.2 release.

Thanks, brendo. It's working fine now. My first Symphony site is now live.

Congratulations :) Don't forget to add it to the showcase

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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