
Originally from:

I have two and a half questions for you:

1- Since relating to other extensions' name is not "kasher", is relying on a certain format is ? What if Multilingual Fields of all kind SHALL respect the 'field-name'-'lang-code' format ?

1a- If #1 is positive, how can we detect those fields in the SQL ?

2- How about having Abstracted Extensions or API Extensions ? Those extensions only offers PHP classes and methods that addresses particular recurrent issues. Than programmers could build extensions, check if the API is present or not and behave in a correct manner either way. I am thinking about the LanguageRedirect Class in the language_redirect ext. A couple of extension already depends in this class.

Thanks you for time to read my ideas!

Is there a Multilingual hack for this SBL branch available on github that uses the latest master SBL field?

The latest one no. I did it for the 1.19 version

The fix should be pretty easy to migrate to the lastest version, I will try to see if I have time to do it

I'm using 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 so any assistance in getting a fellow multilingualist :) up and running with selct boxes would be ACE and very much appreciated. Gracie'

EDIT If it's just this commit that needs changing: Multi handle select, then I might be able to do it myself.. but id there's more to it, not sure where to begin.

@moonoo2: Sorry for the late response, I have been really busy in the past weeks.

Yes this is the only thing I've changed. You should be able to fork the latest version and change those lines only to make it work. Let me know if you do it since I will need it soon!

I'll fork and change tonight! got a multilingual Rugby site to finnish! whoopa :)

Hey Nitriques, I might be wrong, but it looks like this is already included in @brendo's master for this extension: Line 571 onwards in the fields/field.selectbox_link.php file yes?

EDIT Chrome and Git playing funny buggers! with yours and master pages open, it interpreted your page as the master PHP file.. scary :(

Here's mine: untested but changed as per your commit for use with SBL 1.20

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