

how to create multilingual admin side. i am using langfrench and backendlanguage_switcher extension in my project for multilingual.. it translate some text in french and english automatically in my admin side, but i want to translate all the menus which i created in my back end..


If you are talking about translating section names, this is not possible at the moment.

Maybe could be possible to make an extension to do that based on "Custom Field Captions"?

There are two things you'd have to do for this kind of extension:

  1. You'd have to offer an interface for translation that displays the text of all field labels and navigation items. This interface would have to let you create and edit new language files that have to be stored inside the lang folder of the extension.
  2. The extension would have to parse the output of each backend page to find the navigation items and field labels and replace them with the needed translations (using __() to fetch the translation).
  3. You'd have to implement either an automatic language switcher based on the user's settings and/or a manual language selection.

It certainly involves regular expressions to match the strings so I'm not sure how this may have an impact on performance, but it should be possible.

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