
Hello, I am not sure if this is mentioned before, but I can't find it.

When creating content with a multilingual text area, a photo cropper, and maybe even regular text area, if the menu goes over top of one of these, then those items in the menu are inaccessible on some browsers/computers. (Specifically windows xp using chrome, important as this is the client's main computer). This is for Symphony 2.2.1

The menu is slightly large with 8 items, but not exactly unrealistically large. The menu is also more transparent then on my dev comp (windows 7, chrome).

So can someone point me in the right direction as to what the issue is, and how to go about resolving this.

Hi keijser, I'm not sure I understand your problem correctly. It looks like a CSS bug, so it would be great if you could make a screenshot and post it here. Thanks!

Of course I'm realizing this bug is not easily reproducable. I have attached a screenshot, where you open the menu and the items at the bottom of the list (circled in yellow) are over text input of one type or another and so when you try to select them the menu disappears/closes (And you can not select it so try again) This happened after adding and editing a few items, but now I try it on the same computer and of course it works for the moment.


and I have not customized the backend so the css should be the standard install unless the extensions might affect the css.

This seems to be a z-index issue. Try to reduce the z-index of the conflicting field contents or increase the z-index of the menu.

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