
Has anyone got this working with 2.4 at all yet?

Looking to use this pretty soon and not 100% sure if it's been updated for public use of of yet?

What's stopping you from giving it a try?
I don't think it can do much harm...

There was an error with the extension and 2.4rc2. Raised issue and figured it out on github. The way we interact with XMLElement has changed in 2.4 so there will be a few extensions that will encounter similar hurdles me thinks.

Cachelite works fine with Symphony 2.4.

With Symphony 2.5 it seem to behave faulty. Although I activated "Expire cache when entries are created/updated through the backend" pages are served from the cache in an old version. Even the use of ?flush does not help. Cachelite caches but it does not forget (elephant mode).

@mprofitl could you try the latest version ? And please post issues on github instead of the forum if you want quicker feedback!

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