
I've built a section that has multiple date fields. Some of those date fields, I've chosen to NOT pre-populate them with a date. There is one date field called RSVP deadline. That particular field is not always populated, so in those instances where it is not populated, I want to leave it blank. Well, when I submit the entry in that section, it still populates the field with a timestamp. I've double-checked and that field is not selected to "pre-populate." Is this a bug? Can anyone point me in the direction on how to set the date field to stay blank if it is submitted blank... in other words have a NULL value in that field?


Yes, I've run into this problem as well. I have an Events section with a required start-date and an optional end-date, only end-date cannot actually be optional. It is always pre-populated with today's date even if "Pre-populate this field with today's date" is left unchecked.

Posted to Bug Tracker

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