
A new extension, "Flush tmp" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

This extension gives each pageload a 25% chance of flushing the manifest/tmp-folder.

On the other hand: shouldn't something like this be included in Symphonys' core?

What's the use case for this functionality? Nothing comes to my mind atm.

I had a server where /var/tmp/ wasn't writable. So I had to edit the JIT extension to use the manifest/tmp-folder instead. But that doesn't get flushed automaticly.

You had to edit JIT? Are you sure? I never heard that JIT would save to /var/tmp.

JIT saves external images to the sys_get_temp_dir before they are loaded

exactly, and although sys_get_temp_dir() returned the correct folder, the function tmp_name() returned false on my server configuration.

Although I have to admit that this is the first time I saw something like this happen.

Thanks for the clarification!

@kanduvisla I just pushed a change to the JIT repo so that it will use Symphony's TMP folder by default. It makes sense to keep it 'inhouse' instead of letting it live elsewhere on the server.

Don't we introduce new problems here? (See my comment on the commit).

I agree with the issue that the temp files are not removed. I also just ran into the same issue as @kanduvisla though, where sys_get_temp_dir() does not respect PHP's $upload_tmp_dir.

Hardcoding the Symphony tmp path instead of the system's is probably not a good idea, but we might be able to check/use the $upload_tmp_dir before using sys_get_temp_dir()?

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