
I just upgraded from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 and suddenly my pages and so forth were not showing up so I decided to backup my Workspace folder and just reinstall as it was just dumby content but while my data sources seem to be showing up fine my pages and sections aren't and I can't figure out how to make Symphony sync.

my pages and sections aren't and I can't figure out how to make Symphony sync.

Symphony stores records about pages and sections in the database. Is the database still intact? You say that everything disappeared after you upgraded to 2.0.2. What steps did you use for the update? The only thing the update.php script will do is change config version numbers. Strange that all your pages and sections would vanish.

I deleted the database after I realized the site wasn't working. That's when I backed up my workspace folder and my extensions and wiped the entire site. Like I said there was just lorem ipsum for the content so I wasn't losing anything. However, the page templates failed to show up. Everything else did.

I followed the steps listed in the read me file to do the update, though I may have messed it up somehow, but I can't be sure how.

I'm now starting over completely fresh. I'll copy and past the code from the raw XSLT templates as necessary I guess.

In the future, what are the steps I should take to move a site from local to online? What are the steps you guys take?

I created an online development site by firstly uploading all the symphony files and inserting a full export of the local database manually into the database. During Symphony development I am periodically updating this online site with my local version where actual development takes place. It's quite easy:

  • Backup online database with export functionality (optional)
  • Drop online tables
  • Export local symphony tables
  • Insert local symphony SQL into online database
  • Backup online workspace (optional)
  • Upload local workspace to webserver
  • Upload local files that are new or you have changed to webserver

To make it easier, use the same table prefix for symphony. Don't overwrite the config file if you are using different mysql logins and passwords.

Thanks for the tip, Carsten. I'll be referring to this once the site I'm working on is ready to go live.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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